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Join the best mobile repair service brand online

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Who can Join?

1 Technicians:

If you're a qualified technician with experience repairing smartphones, Ongofix is the perfect environment for you to work. Working with Ongofix ensures that you will be working with the latest equipment and with the best parts available in the market. You will be able to develop your skills and stay up to date with the latest trends in the industry. Plus, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are helping people get their devices repaired quickly and reliably.

2 Franchise

If you're a local mobile repair shop, and to make your local associated with a brand, then tag along! You will be a part of a larger network and gain access to resources and support that will help you grow your business. You will also benefit from a larger customer base and increased visibility in the community. With the support of a larger brand, you can create a successful local mobile repair shop.

3 Enterprise

Are you a business with a lot of repair requirements but a limited budget? We'll provide excellent mobile repair service while saving you money. Our mobile repair shop is well-equipped to handle all kinds of repair needs. We guarantee quality service at a fraction of the cost of other repair shops. Contact us today to get started.